Friday, April 10, 2009

News From the Almost-Half-Way Point

We're more than a little late announcing this on our blog, but it's finally time to go live... (Drumroll and fanfare, please...)

Our third baby is due in mid-September.

(Is there anyone out there who hadn't already heard or, um... noticed? Because at 17 weeks pregnant, in most outfits, I'm looking more than... well, more than suspiciously rounded.)

We are truly delighted that God has answered our prayers for another baby. And we can't wait to meet him or her, approximately 23 weeks hence! Much more on Baby in the coming days...


Unknown said...

Cara! Congratulations to you guys!! Actually, I had NO idea, even when I saw you at Lakeforest just the other day--I believe you hide it VERY well! Hehe.. well, so excited for you guys, and looks like our thirds will be close in age! Fun!

C. said...

Awww, Cara! That's wonderful. I had no idea either. Of course, I NEVER see you anymore, except on Sunday from accross the way I noticed your lovely face :) We're so happy for you guys. I look forward to all your new posts on the adventures to come.

Nicole Smitley Schier said...

Congratulations, Cara! I enjoy reading your blog to keep up with you, and look forward to reading about your family's addition.

Unknown said...

cara - congratulations! i check your blog so randomly, glad i had the joy of doing so tonight and finding this. i had no clue and i just ran into you last week! i totally could not tell. i am due 9.24 and it is CLEAR. : ) what a blessing - how kind of the Lord!
~kelly c

Sandi said...

Congrats Cara! So excited for you guys.