Thursday, May 22, 2008

Things To Remember, Part 1

I had the idea today for a continuing series of posts in which I note things I want to preserve in my memory for some specific future use. These will be letters to myself, exhortations to the future me to recall the me of today. Are you ready?

To My Future Self:

This morning you were sitting here, at the computer, while Matthew took his nap. Meg was in the "playroom" (or the section of our living room so designated), playing happily, quietly, and peace reigned. Then a little voice called out, "Mooooooo-meeeeeee!" And you stopped reading whatever-it-was on the screen, and you smiled, because even though it would have been nice to keep reading, your little girl was calling you. Calling you. Calling you. By name.

I imagine (and pray) that there will come a day when there are multiple little voices calling your name. I imagine that sometimes they will all call at once, or perhaps cry at once, as they all believe that they need something from you right away. I imagine that, at times like that, you will roll your eyes--or do something worse--at the sound of your name. I imagine that you will take it for granted someday that there are little people who love you and want you and call you by that sweet and short-lived title: Mommy.

And at times like those, you silly, sinful Self, I hope you remember that there was once a time when a call for Mommy sounded sweetly to your ears. I hope you remember that, even after you became a mother, it took a long time for someone to start calling you Mommy. I hope you remember that you once thought, "I've waited all my life for someone to call me Mommy. And now it's here!"

And more than that, Self, I hope you remember that God didn't have to make you a mommy. You certainly don't deserve this gift. But God gave it anyway. And since He made you a mommy, He is giving you grace to respond to your children's requests and demands with joy and peace. So stop reading. Take a deep breath. And smile... because someone is calling your name.

Very sincerely,



Jerusha said...

Wonderful post, spoke right to my silly sinful heart.

Debbie said...

Beautiful, Cara.