Thursday, September 15, 2011

"There never yet was a great saint..."

Another soul-strengthening quote via John Knight's blog:

Suffering is a part of the process by which the children of God are sanctified. They are chastened to wean them from the world, and make them partakers of God's holiness. The Captain of their salvation was made perfect through sufferings, and so are they. There never yet was a great saint who had not either great afflictions or great corruptions. Philip Melancthon said it well: "Where there are no cares, there will generally be no prayers."

I share this quote, not necessarily because I have hopes of being a "great saint," but because I long to be a faithful one. As yet, I would never say my afflictions have been great, but I certainly know my own great corruptions. Thanks be to my Abba, who works all things for the good of those who love him and are called according to His purpose; I would rather have my share of cares and constantly be drawn back to Him in prayer than to have a care free life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we had such a great visit and thanks for the good times, food and shopping with kiddos! thanks for the pics, grandma Jan and grandpa Don