Monday, May 17, 2010

Back to School

Back in October, we started doing some preschool activities with Meg (and Matthew, according to his interest), going through the alphabet with a letter each week. Well, 'round about Christmastime, school petered out, and some how we never really got back on track in the New Year. Last week we finally dived (okay, waded) back in. I know, I know; most people are now wrapping up school for the year. Shhhh, my kids are too little to know or care!

Since we left off in December with G is for Goose, we picked up in May with H. And H is for Hunting... hunting through magazines for words that begin with H! We're big on collage-making around here. I love it as an art form, and the kids thrill to anything that involves scissors and a glue-stick. So here's what we came up with:
(The tear in the page is a late addition by Matthew, a.k.a. The Destructor.)

Also occupying Meg's mind and fingers: Pasta Letters and Noodle Numbers! In the fall, she had gotten pretty confident about her alphabet; she would write almost any letter confidently (capitals and some lowercase). Recently she's been faltering on letters I know she used to have down; small wonder with so little practice. This was sort of a silly way to reinforce letter-shapes and boost that confidence.

She thought it was so fun to lay the noodles over the printed letters. We talked about whether a given letter was curved, straight, or both, and which type of pasta would be better suited to form it. After Meg practiced several times, I let her make permanent versions with glued-on noodles! Joy!

Hooray for school! Meg is so happy to be back, and so am I!

1 comment:

Trinity and the brood said...

These are 2 great ideas! And guess what? We made a Thanksgiving Tree today because of your recent post! :)