Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Why I'm Proud of My Daddy: #2

This is Meg writing, everyone, about why my Daddy is the best in the world and I am soooo proud of him. There are lots of reasons I could choose; for example, he plays the best games with me, he makes me laugh really hard, he's so gentle when he holds me, he prays for me every day, and he teaches me about God. But what I want to tell you about today is this: Daddy guards Date Nights.

Ever since Daddy and Momma got married they have had Date Night every Monday. Usually this means that they go out for dinner, and they often do something else before or afterward. My daddy plans Date Night every single week, taking time to think of a restaurant or an activity that will bless and refresh Mommy. (Last night they went bowling, which is a little bit strange, because Mom doesn't like many activities that involve balls. But she and Daddy figured out that she likes bowling because it's one of the few sports where the ball never comes toward her.) Daddy does Date Nights because he knows how important it is for him and Mom to have special time together on a regular basis. They need to be able to talk without interruption, think together, plan, laugh, have fun and remember all of the things that make them love each other so much.

It's not always easy for Daddy to make Date Night a priority. Sometimes someone needs him at work on Monday night, and he has to go out of his way to make sure that a volunteer can cover for him. And sometimes Daddy has a hard time finding the time or energy or creativity to plan Date Night. But he always does it anyway.

This makes me so proud of my daddy! Even though Date Night doesn't include me, it shows that Dad loves me very much. After all, if we are going to have a strong, happy family, he and Mommy need a strong, happy marriage. Date Night also shows how much my dad wants to obey God. He tries to show the whole world how much Jesus Christ loves His Church by showing how much he loves Mom. And that is just what the Bible tells him to do.

I love you, Daddy! Thank you for being such a great husband to Mommy. She loves the way you spend your Monday nights together, and you know what? I think God loves it too!

Daddy and Mama

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