Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Part 1 (by Meg)

Hi, this is Meg writing. Yesterday was Christmas! It seemed a lot like my first one, even though I was alive for last year's Christmas too, technically. But I was only three weeks old, so I didn't enjoy it that much. This year, on the other hand... well, let me just show you instead of telling you!

First, Daddy and Mommy and I celebrated at our house. After we read the Christmas story and prayed together, we unwrapped our stocking presents. Here's me and Mommy opening one of mine:

We had some yummy Christmas breakfast after that, and then we got into the big gifts! Here I am with my biggest one of all, from Grandpa Tom and Grandma Dawn--my very first doll house!

Here's Daddy opening his new popcorn maker that he says is just like the one he loved having when he was little.

Mommy with a beautiful Peruvian shawl from Grandma and Grandpa:

Me playing peekaboo with Mommy's shawl:

Me getting blinded by the camera flash:

After I had my nap we headed down for Christmas at Gran and Great-Grandpop's house. (That's my mommy's daddy's parents.) I wore my pretty new dress that came from another little girl who got too big for it. Isn't it lovely?

Here I am trying on Mom's new scarf from Aunt Sam:

This was a particularly tasty present!

And this was my super-cool present from Great-Grandpop and Gran--my very first bike! (Well, bike-sort-of-thing, anyway.)

Now we're off to have another Christmas celebration at Grandpop and Nana's house in Gaithersburg! I'm so grateful that my family gets to celebrate Jesus' birthday over more than one day. It's far too wonderful an occasion to be limited to just 24 hours!

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