Saturday, February 28, 2015


We interrupt this lengthy succession of postless days to bring you... as many posts as I can squeeze in before February of 2015 shivers its way to its snowy bier and sleeps forevermore. (And, yes, I realize that today is February 28th. I might only get to two posts. We'll see.)

Let's start with a couple of photos from my phone.

Esme mugging:

"Mommy, come look! We put ten things on Meg's head!"

And what I found when I went in to check on our post-lunch quiet reading time the other day:
(How I love these two best buds.)

Did you catch that I wrote "photos from my phone"?? One of the most notable events of this month was that I finally, finally joined most of the rest of the first world and obtained a smart phone. Until very recently, I was making do (more or less contentedly), with my very old, mostly broken, bright red, Samsung flip phone, circa... probably 2007? It took very bad pictures, so I didn't use it to take pictures. It took me five minutes to send a brief text, so I avoided texting. I didn't have apps; I could only look at my email when in front of my laptop--in short, my life was very similar to most people's lives in 2005. And I was ok with that. But we finally lost the charge cord for the dear, old, red Samsung, and... it was time. Hence, pictures from my phone!

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