Saturday, February 28, 2015

Dacia's Visit

I would fail indeed if I failed to mention the best bit of our February: a luxurious, week-long visit from David's sister, Dacia. Always the intrepid bargain-hunter, Dacia took advantage of holiday sales to book a bottom-dollar airline ticket, which gave us something to look forward to in the long, midwinter lull. Boy, do our kids love them some Aunt Dacia...





And, boy, does she love them, as evidenced by these pictures she took on (or after) various adventures with the kids...





That last picture is of Graham after Aunt Dacia's preschooler rite-of-passage: the trip to Build-A-Bear Workshop. As you may have gathered, Graham chose a Spiderman bear with Spiderman-printed plush, as well as the bear-sized Spiderman costume. It was love at first sight--Graham knew instantly that this bear was the One. And let me tell you, this bear has been well cherished (assuming you measure affection by costume changes, which Graham certainly does).

Dacia, as always, it was such a pleasure to have you here. Thanks for the way you and Josh love and invest in our family. We don't take it for granted, and we love you guys very much.

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