Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A Slow Month... and Quotables

It's been a slow month here at the Wilcox Family blog. There's no lack of material; I guess I just haven't been that excited about writing in this context this month. Some of the time I might normally give to blogging I've given to thinking and praying for our friends Dave and Heather. Their baby girl Alivia went to be with Jesus earlier this month. Reading their blog has been such an encouragement, and it fuels my prayers for their dear family.

But I am beginning to feel the urge again, the need to record some of the words and events that fill our days... because otherwise I just won't remember them! So to start, here are a couple of recent quotes from various family members. For those of you who got a kick out of this post and Meg's "itchy" comment, here's something you'll appreciate. It took place at the breakfast table, as Meg stared at the milk carton.

Meg: A cow!
Dave: That's right, there's a cow on the milk carton. Do you know why?
Meg: Yes.
Dave: Why would a cow be on the milk carton?
Meg: 'Cause he needs a savior. That cow needs a savior!

Ahem. Still working on ironing out the finer points of her theology.

This was another cute exchange that took place in the car, on the way to get Matthew's hair cut:

Meg: We're going to get a hair cut!
Dave: Yep, we're going to get Matthew's hair cut.
Meg: (Suddenly and inexplicably becoming emotional) Nooo, Mat-yew too little to get his hair cut!
Dave: He's too little? Well, what about you? You got your hair cut.
Meg: (On the verge of tears) Nooo, I too big to get my hair cut.
Dave: Oh. (Pause.) Are you too big to get some ice cream?
Meg: (Brightly) No! I just the right size for ice cream!

And, from a conversation that Dave and I had one night when the kids were in bed... We were talking about their differing appetites and how Meg often wants to get down from the table at the same time as Matthew. And then Dave, voicing the thoughts that we usually rephrase when Meg is actually with us, said, "No, Meg, you can't get down, because Matthew's eaten three times his body weight, and you have just pushed your chicken nuggets around in a circle!" It cracked me up.

I hope you all have a very happy Thanksgiving. Don't we have great reason to give thanks to God?!

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