Thursday, June 19, 2014

"Who We Are" Archive

Last night I took the long, long overdue step of updating our "Who We Are" side bar. Here are the old versions, saved for posterity (and perspective down the line).

At seven years old, our Meggie is one-half mature little woman, one-half insane little girl. She's smart, sweet, responsible, perfectionistic, thoughtful, helpful, and loving, with a highly sensitive conscience and a killer memory. Then again, she might be loud, outrageously silly, heedless, rambunctious, and full of utterly irrepressible laughter. In her quieter moments, Meg loves reading and creating artwork. In her not-so-quiet ones? People are her one great joy.

"Have attention, will seek it" might be an apt descriptor for our six year old. His theme song is "Make 'Em Laugh," and, boy, will he do anything to see that through. In addition to being a clown, Matthew is a quick study with anything related to folding or building. He has the sparkliest blue eyes you've ever seen, and he's full of curiosity and questions. He loves to push his sisters' buttons and squeeze his baby brother. And his current pop-culture crazes are Angry Birds and Star Wars.

Our Esme Rose is such a love: charming, independent, intensely affectionate and cuddly, sensitive, stubborn, a little cheesy at times, a bit more reserved than our older kids, adorable. She's four years old and all girl, with a bad case of the dress-ups and a yen for helping mommy in the kitchen.

Having passed the one year mark, Graham is still in the process of unfurling his personality. But some things are already clear: he loves music and loves to dance, loves being goofy and making us laugh by shaking his head violently back and forth, loves yelling "no!" and imitating words and sounds he hears around the house. And he loves being at the center of our home, where we all serve as his adoring slaves.

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