Friday, June 14, 2013


Thanks so much for praying for us, friends. Meg woke up this morning rawther excited about the morning's agenda, which was quite the change from the last few weeks. I think God answered your prayers!

I also think Meg got kind of charged up when she realized she got to set off with Mommy and Daddy, all by herself, at 6:30 a.m.! After all, she's rarin' to go at dawn every day, but it's pretty rare that anyone is willing to accomodate her. And it's still rarer for her to have both parents' undivided attention--and rarer still for a whole flock of nurses and doctors to be fluttering around her with kind words and encouragement. So, yes, on the whole, Meg enjoyed her medical adventure quite thoroughly and even informed me later today that she wished she could go back to the endoscopy center!

The procedure itself went very smoothly, and the staff at the endoscopy center was great. (Thanks for the prayers on those fronts too!) They took great care of our little girl, and we should know the results of the biopsy in a week or so. We'll letcha know what we learn!

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