Sunday, February 24, 2013

Matthew's Family Favorites

The other day I dropped off Meg and her friend Madison at their art class, and then I took Matthew out for a special Mama date. After we hit up the grocery store candy aisle for Dots (Matthew's treat), we headed for California Tortilla and a honey lime chicken burrito bowl (my treat). As we munched, I asked Matthew a bunch of questions, including this one: "What's your favorite thing about (insert name of each individual family member)?"

I loved his answers. They opened such a sweet window into his heart. I won't do any psychoanalysis here, but just record his answers so I can remember a bit of what was meaningful to Matthew at five years old.

"What's your favorite thing about Meg?"
When she reads me stories.

"What's your favorite thing about Esme?"
That she loves me.

"What's your favorite thing about Graham?"
That he has chubby cheeks.

"What's your favorite thing about Daddy?"
Going on dates with him.

"What's your favorite thing about Mommy?"
When you kiss me.

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