Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Praying Life Quote

A year after I posted this, I am still reading slowly through A Praying Life by Paul Miller. Fantastic book. I find myself going back to reread certain sections and try to digest or apply them--one of the several reasons why it is taking me over a year to complete the thing! This is one of those books that whets my appetite for God, and not just more of the book itself. It makes me want to pray more, read God's Word more, and enjoy God more in all of life. I love this section:
To see the Storyteller, we need to slow down our interior life and watch. We need to be imbedded in the Word to experience the Storyteller's mind and pick up the cadence of his voice. We need to be alert for the story, for the Storyteller's voice speaking into the details of our lives. The story God weaves is neither weird nor floaty. It always involves us bowing before his majesty with the pieces of our lives...

When confronted with suffering that won't go away or even with a minor problem, we instinctively focus on what is missing, such as the lost coats and the betrayal in Joseph's story, not on the Master's hand. Often when you think everything has gone wrong, it's just that you're in the middle of a story. If you watch the stories God is weaving in your life, you, like Joseph, will begin to see the patterns. You'll become a poet, sensitive to your Father's voice. (p.205)


Shannon said...

Cara, Thank you for the food for thought. It something I will cotemplate. It encourages me in my walk were I am at right now.

Sandi said...

One of my fav books.
One of my fav quotes from fav book.
Impressed your actually reading books in this season of life!