Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Scenes from Our House

Esme's crazy morning hair.

Actually, to be honest, her hair looks like this most of the time right now. Hair brushing has slipped down quite a bit on my priority list this month.

Math is pretty much the only subject we kept up with through January. Here are Meg and Matthew on the day we made a shoe graph.

Meg wanted to take a picture of me with Graham.

After she took four like that and I took this one of her...

I realized that the camera was on some funky setting that I don't know how to use. Back to auto focus, thank you.

Meg spends many happy hours reading Highlights magazine these days. Thank you, Grandma and Grandpa!

If their wardrobe choices are any indication, my kids have some kind of spring fever. Tank tops are all the rage. Stick-in-the-mud Mommy insists on long sleeves underneath at least through March, which demand produced the loud floral combo on Meg.

Daddy and Graham love their brief moments together each evening, though you might not know it from their expressions in this pic.

And Esme can't get enough of her dad either. Last night she wrangled him into this position during movie time... not that he put up a huge fight.

Here is our Graham-boy, four weeks old today, sitting propped up on the couch after a feeding. He's a great baby, and he continues to be the recipient of massive amounts of lovin' from all sides.

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