Friday, February 10, 2012

Can Anyone Verify...

...that it's normal for milk to come out of an infant's nose on a regular basis after feedings? Graham is my first experience with this phenomenon, and every time it happens, I find myself partly amused and partly sympathetic. Doesn't seem like it can be very comfortable for my poor wee guy!


Laura said...

It sounds like he is refluxing some milk back up (and yes out of the nose can be perfectly normal :)) Micah did this too, quite often in the first 4-6 weeks. It could be you have a forceful milk let down that causes some to come back up, or just the way his little body is. Their body is still getting used to the food and their tummies expanding. Does he seem bothered by it? Micah never seemed to bothered.

Cara said...

Nope, he doesn't seem at all bothered by it... maybe slightly startled. :) The milk-out-the-nose is often accompanied by some normal reflux. I just never knew it could come out their noses!