Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Caesar Who?

Tonight during our advent celebration, Dave read the Christmas story to Meg. After reading about the decree that forced Joseph and Mary to journey to Bethlehem, Dave paused to ask Meg a question. "Meg, who was it that made the tax?"

Meg paused, put on her concentration face, and carefully enunciated, "Caesar... Caesar Disgustus."

Dave got the giggles so bad that he couldn't read the story without shaking. As his voice quavered with laughter, Meg calmly reprimanded him. "No, Daddy, listen quietly." For some reason, that didn't seem to help Dave settle down.

Oh, Meggie... how much joy your bring your Daddy and Mama!

1 comment:

C. said...

This is a classic!! I love it. It goes up there with John Revolta and Josie Grossy.

How these kids brighten our lives.