Friday, April 22, 2011

Cousins Week, Part 1

This week we had the pleasure of having my sister's big kids in town while she and her husband packed up their house and prepared for a big move. Dave and the kids and I drove down to meet Jacque and Asher at a halfway point on Monday. And look who we got to meet there, right smack dab in Pole Green, Virginia!
Judah Eliot! He was a perfect little bundle of sleepiness for the too-short time that I got to hold him. Jacqua says that he's gaining weight well, sleeping well, and generally being the great baby they very much need in the extreme busyness of their current season. Thank you, Lord!

It was very sweet: Jacque had warned us that Aylenne might be emotional about leaving her mommy and daddy, so we were prepared for tears, fits, or come-what-may. But as we pulled away with our van loaded full of five occupied car seats, and I encouraged Ari and his little sister to wave and call goodbye to their folks, all that little Aylenne did was crane her neck to see her family's car and sweetly call, "'Bye, Judah! 'Bye, Judah!"

Well, we made it back to my mom's house, where Ari and Aylenne were to spend the night, and the kids enjoyed some water play in the shadows and sunlight of late afternoon.













Shannon said...

How sweet.

Sandi said...

Sweet little baby!
Big move? Where too?

Cara said...

Mmm, not big as in number of miles, perhaps, but big as in ordeal. :) They're moving temporarily into the home of an older couple in their church until Asher finishes the school year. Then they'll move to Charlottesville, VA to be part of the SGM church plant starting there.