Saturday, January 17, 2009

Christmas Vignettes V: For Grandma Dawn and Grandpa Tom

I am almost finished with the Christmas Vignettes, I promise! But before I wrap up completely, Dawn and Tom, here are some pictures that I thought you might particularly enjoy...

This first one is from when Meg opened her birthday presents, actually. You can see that your little "girly girl" was pretty pleased with her pink velour jacket!
Gifts 8

Here are the wonderful banks, which Tom painted at the pottery shop and had shipped directly to us after they went through the kiln. They turned out great!
Gifts 15

There's a glare in these pictures which makes Meg's name appear less bold than it really is. Here's the bird's eye view:
Gifts 16

Hidden details:
Gifts 17

Here is Meg doing the giant "Nemo" puzzle you sent, which she just loves.
Gifts 12

That's a satisfied smile that says, "Look, I finished it!"
Gifts 13

And here is one final shot that I snapped one evening right before Meg was to go upstairs for bedtime. I couldn't find my dishtowel until I looked over at the puzzle. "Meg, what did you do?" I asked. "Why are the towel and the napkin on the puzzle?"

"I put the fishies to sleep, Mommy," Meg replied matter-of-factly. "Shhhhhhhh."
Puzzle Sleeping
Of course.

By the way, we are getting a tiny taste of a Michigan winter here! No real snow, unfortunately, (though it looks like there's a chance in the next few days!), but when Dave and I woke up this morning it was 1 degree outside! Now that it's mid-morning, we've climbed to a balmy 12 degrees, but still... that's pretty cold for Maryland!


Shannon Anderson said...
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Shannon Anderson said...

What a sweet kind little girl you have there.