Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mt. Vernon, Part 2

After our tour of the mansion, we took in some of the sights of the outbuildings, like this Washington carriage replica:

And the stables:

Then we stopped to take in the sight all the staff had been directing us to, the sheep pen, where there were something like 40 new lambs. Here's one mama with her young 'un:

And here's another.

Next we wandered down to see the gravesite, then the Pioneer Farm, the riverside, and finally, the museum. At the museum they have a "Hands on History" room for kids, where we stopped in just before we had to leave.
I wish we'd had more time there; they were amply staffed, very kind, and had some cool stuff the kids would have loved to explore more.

Aaaaand, my favorite picture of the day goes last.

Did I say one picture? Make it two:

What a great day of fun and exploring with some of our favorite people!

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