Saturday, March 10, 2007

Baby Shower!

Phew! Life is busy!

Today we celebrated the gift of Baby Jack. Jack Tyler Marcantonio is the soon-to-be born first child of my best girl friend, Jessica. A few of Jess's pals conspired to throw her a surprise shower, hosted this morning by my own very gracious mother. Members of Jessica's care groups coordinated the refreshments and brought decorations. I played the role of master of ceremonies.

Michelle DeCarlo (Dave's wife) was gracious enough to man my camera for me, since I was in and out with Meg. Here are some of the memories she captured.

The moment of truth. Did we get her?
You can't see her facial expression that well in this picture but, yes, I think we got her. She was about as surprised as a pregnant, naturally suspicious female could be! Jess's husband Kris did a great job of being a co-conspirator and getting her to my parents' house. Thanks for lying to your wife for us, Kris!

A small selection of the truly massive pile of gifts Jessica received:

The Momma-to-be, mugging for the camera:
Goofy Girl

Literally hemmed in by presents:
Hemmed in By Gifts

This is Jess with her own sweet Momma, Jacque Ragland, who traveled up from Charlottesville, VA for the grand occasion.
Jess and Momma Jacque

Some of Jessica's kind co-workers from Sovereign Grace Ministries:
Lovely Sovereign Grace Ladies

Oooh, toys!

A diaper stacker for Jack's nautically-themed nursery:
Diaper Stacker

Playing the dirty diaper game:
The Dirty Diaper Game
This one was Jessica's request for her own shower--her "lifelong dream," I think she called it (only somewhat jokingly). You melt down different kinds of candy bars, put them in diapers so they look like... well, you know... and then people have to guess which diaper contains which candy. Yes, it's every bit as gross as it sounds. But no one who knows Jess well was too surprised by her choice.

Here Karen Ballinger demonstrates the sniff technique:
KB Sniffs


Me with the most adorable shower guest in attendance:
Me and Megger

The happy, expectant Mommy:
The Almost-Momma

What a privilege to honor a friend as she prepares to walk through the door of motherhood. Kris and Jess, we love and respect you guys more than you know, and we can't wait to meet your son!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for serving Jess and blessing her this way, Cara! I'm so disappointed to have missed it. The pictures are great! --debbie :o)